--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2021 Bartosz Golaszewski <bartekgola@gmail.com>
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Kent Gibson <warthog618@gmail.com>
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Bartosz Golaszewski <bartosz.golaszewski@linaro.org>
+# Simple test harness for the gpio-tools.
+# Where output from the dut is stored (must be used together
+# Save the PID of coprocess - otherwise we won't be able to wait for it
+# once it exits as the COPROC_PID will be cleared.
+# mappings from local name to system chip name, path, dev name
+# Run the command in $@ and fail the test if the command succeeds.
+assert_fail() {
+ "$@" || return 0
+ fail " '$*': command did not fail as expected"
+# Check if the string in $2 matches against the pattern in $1.
+regex_matches() {
+ [[ $2 =~ $1 ]]
+ assertEquals " '$2' did not match '$1':" "0" "$?"
+output_contains_line() {
+ assertContains "$1" "$output"
+output_is() {
+ assertEquals " output:" "$1" "$output"
+num_lines_is() {
+ [ "$1" -eq "0" ] || [ -z "$output" ] && return 0
+ local NUM_LINES
+ NUM_LINES=$(echo "$output" | wc -l)
+ assertEquals " number of lines:" "$1" "$NUM_LINES"
+status_is() {
+ assertEquals " status:" "$1" "$status"
+# Same as above but match against the regex pattern in $1.
+output_regex_match() {
+ [[ "$output" =~ $1 ]]
+ assertEquals " '$output' did not match '$1'" "0" "$?"
+gpiosim_chip() {
+ local VAR=$1
+ local NAME=${GPIOSIM_APP_NAME}-$$-${VAR}
+ local BANKPATH=$DEVPATH/bank0
+ mkdir -p "$BANKPATH"
+ for ARG in "$@"
+ do
+ local KEY VAL
+ KEY=$(echo "$ARG" | cut -d"=" -f1)
+ VAL=$(echo "$ARG" | cut -d"=" -f2)
+ if [ "$KEY" = "num_lines" ]
+ then
+ echo "$VAL" > "$BANKPATH/num_lines"
+ elif [ "$KEY" = "line_name" ]
+ then
+ OFFSET=$(echo "$VAL" | cut -d":" -f1)
+ LINENAME=$(echo "$VAL" | cut -d":" -f2)
+ mkdir -p "$LINEPATH"
+ echo "$LINENAME" > "$LINEPATH/name"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo 1 > "$DEVPATH/live"
+ local CHIP_NAME
+ CHIP_NAME=$(<"$BANKPATH/chip_name")
+ GPIOSIM_DEV_NAME[$1]=$(<"$DEVPATH/dev_name")
+gpiosim_chip_number() {
+ echo "${NAME#gpiochip}"
+gpiosim_chip_symlink() {
+gpiosim_chip_symlink_cleanup() {
+ if [ -n "$GPIOSIM_CHIP_LINK" ]
+ then
+ fi
+gpiosim_set_pull() {
+ local OFFSET=$2
+ local PULL=$3
+gpiosim_check_value() {
+ local OFFSET=$2
+ local EXPECTED=$3
+ [ "$VAL" = "$EXPECTED" ]
+gpiosim_wait_value() {
+ local OFFSET=$2
+ local EXPECTED=$3
+ for _i in {1..30}; do
+ [ "$(<"$PORT")" = "$EXPECTED" ] && return
+ sleep 0.01
+ done
+ return 1
+gpiosim_cleanup() {
+ for CHIP in "${!GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[@]}"
+ do
+ echo 0 > "$DEVPATH/live"
+ find "$DEVPATH" -type d -name hog -exec rmdir '{}' '+'
+ find "$DEVPATH" -type d -name "line*" -exec rmdir '{}' '+'
+ find "$DEVPATH" -type d -name "bank*" -exec rmdir '{}' '+'
+ rmdir "$DEVPATH"
+ done
+ gpiosim_chip_symlink_cleanup
+run_prog() {
+ # Executables to test are expected to be in the same directory as the
+ # testing script.
+ cmd=$1
+ shift
+ output=$(timeout 10s "$SOURCE_DIR/$cmd" "$@" 2>&1)
+ status=$?
+dut_run() {
+ cmd=$1
+ shift
+ coproc timeout 10s "$SOURCE_DIR/$cmd" "$@" 2>&1
+ read -r -t1 -n1 -u "${COPROC[0]}" DUT_FIRST_CHAR
+dut_run_redirect() {
+ cmd=$1
+ shift
+ coproc timeout 10s "$SOURCE_DIR/$cmd" "$@" > "$SHUNIT_TMPDIR/$DUT_OUTPUT" 2>&1
+ # give the process time to spin up
+ # FIXME - find a better solution
+ sleep 0.2
+dut_read_redirect() {
+ local ORIG_IFS="$IFS"
+ IFS=$'\n' mapfile -t lines <<< "$output"
+dut_read() {
+ local LINE
+ lines=()
+ while read -r -t 0.2 -u "${COPROC[0]}" LINE
+ do
+ if [ -n "$DUT_FIRST_CHAR" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ lines+=("$LINE")
+ done
+ output="${lines[*]}"
+dut_readable() {
+ read -t 0 -u "${COPROC[0]}" LINE
+dut_flush() {
+ local _JUNK
+ lines=()
+ output=
+ while read -t 0 -u "${COPROC[0]}" _JUNK
+ do
+ read -r -t 0.1 -u "${COPROC[0]}" _JUNK || true
+ done
+# check the next line of output matches the regex
+dut_regex_match() {
+ read -r -t 0.2 -u "${COPROC[0]}" LINE || (echo Timeout && false)
+ if [ -n "$DUT_FIRST_CHAR" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ [[ $LINE =~ $PATTERN ]]
+ assertEquals "'$LINE' did not match '$PATTERN'" "0" "$?"
+dut_write() {
+ echo "$@" >&"${COPROC[1]}"
+dut_kill() {
+ kill "$@" "$DUT_PID"
+dut_wait() {
+ wait "$DUT_PID"
+ export status=$?
+ unset DUT_PID
+dut_cleanup() {
+ if [ -n "$DUT_PID" ]
+ then
+ kill -SIGTERM "$DUT_PID" 2> /dev/null
+ wait "$DUT_PID" || false
+ fi
+tearDown() {
+ dut_cleanup
+ gpiosim_cleanup
+request_release_line() {
+ "$SOURCE_DIR/gpioget" -c "$@" >/dev/null
+die() {
+ echo "$@" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# Must be done after we sources shunit2 as we need SHUNIT_VERSION to be set.
+oneTimeSetUp() {
+ test "$SHUNIT_VERSION" = "$MIN_SHUNIT_VERSION" && return 0
+ local FIRST
+ FIRST=$(printf "%s\n%s\n" "$SHUNIT_VERSION" "$MIN_SHUNIT_VERSION" | sort -Vr | head -1)
+ test "$FIRST" = "$MIN_SHUNIT_VERSION" && \
+ die "minimum shunit version required is $MIN_SHUNIT_VERSION (current version is $SHUNIT_VERSION"
+check_kernel() {
+ local REQUIRED=$1
+ local CURRENT
+ CURRENT=$(uname -r)
+ SORTED=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$REQUIRED" "$CURRENT" | sort -V | head -n 1)
+ if [ "$SORTED" != "$REQUIRED" ]
+ then
+ die "linux kernel version must be at least: v$REQUIRED - got: v$CURRENT"
+ fi
+check_prog() {
+ local PROG=$1
+ if ! which "$PROG" > /dev/null
+ then
+ die "$PROG not found - needed to run the tests"
+ fi
+# Check all required non-coreutils tools
+check_prog shunit2
+check_prog modprobe
+check_prog timeout
+# Check if we're running a kernel at the required version or later
+check_kernel $MIN_KERNEL_VERSION
+modprobe gpio-sim || die "unable to load the gpio-sim module"
+mountpoint /sys/kernel/config/ > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || \
+ die "configfs not mounted at /sys/kernel/config/"
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Kent Gibson <warthog618@gmail.com>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Bartosz Golaszewski <bartosz.golaszewski@linaro.org>
-# Simple test harness for the gpio-tools.
-# Where output from the dut is stored (must be used together
-# Save the PID of coprocess - otherwise we won't be able to wait for it
-# once it exits as the COPROC_PID will be cleared.
-SOURCE_DIR=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
-# mappings from local name to system chip name, path, dev name
-# Run the command in $@ and fail the test if the command succeeds.
-assert_fail() {
- "$@" || return 0
- fail " '$*': command did not fail as expected"
-# Check if the string in $2 matches against the pattern in $1.
-regex_matches() {
- [[ $2 =~ $1 ]]
- assertEquals " '$2' did not match '$1':" "0" "$?"
-output_contains_line() {
- assertContains "$1" "$output"
-output_is() {
- assertEquals " output:" "$1" "$output"
-num_lines_is() {
- [ "$1" -eq "0" ] || [ -z "$output" ] && return 0
- local NUM_LINES
- NUM_LINES=$(echo "$output" | wc -l)
- assertEquals " number of lines:" "$1" "$NUM_LINES"
-status_is() {
- assertEquals " status:" "$1" "$status"
-# Same as above but match against the regex pattern in $1.
-output_regex_match() {
- [[ "$output" =~ $1 ]]
- assertEquals " '$output' did not match '$1'" "0" "$?"
-gpiosim_chip() {
- local VAR=$1
- local NAME=${GPIOSIM_APP_NAME}-$$-${VAR}
- local BANKPATH=$DEVPATH/bank0
- mkdir -p "$BANKPATH"
- for ARG in "$@"
- do
- local KEY VAL
- KEY=$(echo "$ARG" | cut -d"=" -f1)
- VAL=$(echo "$ARG" | cut -d"=" -f2)
- if [ "$KEY" = "num_lines" ]
- then
- echo "$VAL" > "$BANKPATH/num_lines"
- elif [ "$KEY" = "line_name" ]
- then
- OFFSET=$(echo "$VAL" | cut -d":" -f1)
- LINENAME=$(echo "$VAL" | cut -d":" -f2)
- mkdir -p "$LINEPATH"
- echo "$LINENAME" > "$LINEPATH/name"
- fi
- done
- echo 1 > "$DEVPATH/live"
- local CHIP_NAME
- CHIP_NAME=$(<"$BANKPATH/chip_name")
- GPIOSIM_DEV_NAME[$1]=$(<"$DEVPATH/dev_name")
-gpiosim_chip_number() {
- echo "${NAME#gpiochip}"
-gpiosim_chip_symlink() {
-gpiosim_chip_symlink_cleanup() {
- if [ -n "$GPIOSIM_CHIP_LINK" ]
- then
- fi
-gpiosim_set_pull() {
- local OFFSET=$2
- local PULL=$3
-gpiosim_check_value() {
- local OFFSET=$2
- local EXPECTED=$3
- [ "$VAL" = "$EXPECTED" ]
-gpiosim_wait_value() {
- local OFFSET=$2
- local EXPECTED=$3
- for _i in {1..30}; do
- [ "$(<"$PORT")" = "$EXPECTED" ] && return
- sleep 0.01
- done
- return 1
-gpiosim_cleanup() {
- for CHIP in "${!GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[@]}"
- do
- echo 0 > "$DEVPATH/live"
- find "$DEVPATH" -type d -name hog -exec rmdir '{}' '+'
- find "$DEVPATH" -type d -name "line*" -exec rmdir '{}' '+'
- find "$DEVPATH" -type d -name "bank*" -exec rmdir '{}' '+'
- rmdir "$DEVPATH"
- done
- gpiosim_chip_symlink_cleanup
-run_tool() {
- # Executables to test are expected to be in the same directory as the
- # testing script.
- cmd=$1
- shift
- output=$(timeout 10s "$SOURCE_DIR/$cmd" "$@" 2>&1)
- status=$?
-dut_run() {
- cmd=$1
- shift
- coproc timeout 10s "$SOURCE_DIR/$cmd" "$@" 2>&1
- read -r -t1 -n1 -u "${COPROC[0]}" DUT_FIRST_CHAR
-dut_run_redirect() {
- cmd=$1
- shift
- coproc timeout 10s "$SOURCE_DIR/$cmd" "$@" > "$SHUNIT_TMPDIR/$DUT_OUTPUT" 2>&1
- # give the process time to spin up
- # FIXME - find a better solution
- sleep 0.2
-dut_read_redirect() {
- local ORIG_IFS="$IFS"
- IFS=$'\n' mapfile -t lines <<< "$output"
-dut_read() {
- local LINE
- lines=()
- while read -r -t 0.2 -u "${COPROC[0]}" LINE
- do
- if [ -n "$DUT_FIRST_CHAR" ]
- then
- fi
- lines+=("$LINE")
- done
- output="${lines[*]}"
-dut_readable() {
- read -t 0 -u "${COPROC[0]}" LINE
-dut_flush() {
- local _JUNK
- lines=()
- output=
- while read -t 0 -u "${COPROC[0]}" _JUNK
- do
- read -r -t 0.1 -u "${COPROC[0]}" _JUNK || true
- done
-# check the next line of output matches the regex
-dut_regex_match() {
- read -r -t 0.2 -u "${COPROC[0]}" LINE || (echo Timeout && false)
- if [ -n "$DUT_FIRST_CHAR" ]
- then
- fi
- [[ $LINE =~ $PATTERN ]]
- assertEquals "'$LINE' did not match '$PATTERN'" "0" "$?"
-dut_write() {
- echo "$@" >&"${COPROC[1]}"
-dut_kill() {
- kill "$@" "$DUT_PID"
-dut_wait() {
- wait "$DUT_PID"
- export status=$?
- unset DUT_PID
-dut_cleanup() {
- if [ -n "$DUT_PID" ]
- then
- kill -SIGTERM "$DUT_PID" 2> /dev/null
- wait "$DUT_PID" || false
- fi
-tearDown() {
- dut_cleanup
- gpiosim_cleanup
-request_release_line() {
- "$SOURCE_DIR/gpioget" -c "$@" >/dev/null
+export SOURCE_DIR
+SOURCE_DIR="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
# gpiodetect test cases
local sim1dev=${GPIOSIM_DEV_NAME[sim1]}
local sim2dev=${GPIOSIM_DEV_NAME[sim2]}
- run_tool gpiodetect
+ run_prog gpiodetect
output_regex_match "$sim0 \[${sim0dev}[-:]node0\] \(4 lines\)"
output_regex_match "$sim1 \[${sim1dev}[-:]node0\] \(8 lines\)"
local initial_output=$output
gpiosim_chip_symlink sim1 /dev
- run_tool gpiodetect
+ run_prog gpiodetect
output_is "$initial_output"
status_is 0
local sim2dev=${GPIOSIM_DEV_NAME[sim2]}
# by name
- run_tool gpiodetect "$sim0"
+ run_prog gpiodetect "$sim0"
output_regex_match "$sim0 \[${sim0dev}[-:]node0\] \(4 lines\)"
num_lines_is 1
status_is 0
# by path
- run_tool gpiodetect "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_PATH[sim1]}"
+ run_prog gpiodetect "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_PATH[sim1]}"
output_regex_match "$sim1 \[${sim1dev}[-:]node0\] \(8 lines\)"
num_lines_is 1
status_is 0
# by number
- run_tool gpiodetect "$(gpiosim_chip_number sim2)"
+ run_prog gpiodetect "$(gpiosim_chip_number sim2)"
output_regex_match "$sim2 \[${sim2dev}[-:]node0\] \(16 lines\)"
num_lines_is 1
# by symlink
gpiosim_chip_symlink sim2 .
- run_tool gpiodetect "$GPIOSIM_CHIP_LINK"
+ run_prog gpiodetect "$GPIOSIM_CHIP_LINK"
output_regex_match "$sim2 \[${sim2dev}[-:]node0\] \(16 lines\)"
num_lines_is 1
local sim1dev=${GPIOSIM_DEV_NAME[sim1]}
local sim2dev=${GPIOSIM_DEV_NAME[sim2]}
- run_tool gpiodetect "$sim0" "$sim1" "$sim2"
+ run_prog gpiodetect "$sim0" "$sim1" "$sim2"
output_regex_match "$sim0 \[${sim0dev}[-:]node0\] \(4 lines\)"
output_regex_match "$sim1 \[${sim1dev}[-:]node0\] \(8 lines\)"
test_gpiodetect_with_nonexistent_chip() {
- run_tool gpiodetect nonexistent-chip
+ run_prog gpiodetect nonexistent-chip
status_is 1
output_regex_match \
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=4
gpiosim_chip sim1 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpioinfo
+ run_prog gpioinfo
output_contains_line "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]} - 4 lines:"
output_contains_line "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]} - 8 lines:"
local initial_output=$output
gpiosim_chip_symlink sim1 /dev
- run_tool gpioinfo
+ run_prog gpioinfo
output_is "$initial_output"
status_is 0
dut_run gpioset --banner --active-low foo=1 baz=0
- run_tool gpioinfo
+ run_prog gpioinfo
output_contains_line "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]} - 4 lines:"
output_contains_line "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]} - 8 lines:"
local sim1=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]}
# by name
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim1"
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim1"
output_contains_line "$sim1 - 4 lines:"
output_regex_match "\\s+line\\s+0:\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
status_is 0
# by path
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim1"
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim1"
output_contains_line "$sim1 - 4 lines:"
output_regex_match "\\s+line\\s+0:\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
status_is 0
# by number
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim1"
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim1"
output_contains_line "$sim1 - 4 lines:"
output_regex_match "\\s+line\\s+0:\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
# by symlink
gpiosim_chip_symlink sim1 .
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$GPIOSIM_CHIP_LINK"
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$GPIOSIM_CHIP_LINK"
output_contains_line "$sim1 - 4 lines:"
output_regex_match "\\s+line\\s+0:\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
local sim1=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]}
# by offset
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim1" 2
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim1" 2
output_regex_match "$sim1 2\\s+\"bar\"\\s+input"
num_lines_is 1
status_is 0
# by name
- run_tool gpioinfo bar
+ run_prog gpioinfo bar
output_regex_match "$sim0 5\\s+\"bar\"\\s+input"
num_lines_is 1
status_is 0
# by chip and name
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim1" 2
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim1" 2
output_regex_match "$sim1 2\\s+\"bar\"\\s+input"
num_lines_is 1
status_is 0
# unquoted
- run_tool gpioinfo --unquoted --chip "$sim1" 2
+ run_prog gpioinfo --unquoted --chip "$sim1" 2
output_regex_match "$sim1 2\\s+bar\\s+input"
num_lines_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioinfo foobar
+ run_prog gpioinfo foobar
output_regex_match "$sim0 3\\s+\"foobar\"\\s+input"
num_lines_is 1
local sim1=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]}
# by offset
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim1" 1 2
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim1" 1 2
output_regex_match "$sim1 1\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
output_regex_match "$sim1 2\\s+\"baz\"\\s+input"
status_is 0
# by name
- run_tool gpioinfo bar baz
+ run_prog gpioinfo bar baz
output_regex_match "$sim0 5\\s+\"bar\"\\s+input"
output_regex_match "$sim1 2\\s+\"baz\"\\s+input"
status_is 0
# by name and offset
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" bar 3
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" bar 3
output_regex_match "$sim0 5\\s+\"bar\"\\s+input"
output_regex_match "$sim0 3\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
dut_run gpioset --banner --active-low --bias=pull-up --drive=open-source foo=1 baz=0
- run_tool gpioinfo foo baz
+ run_prog gpioinfo foo baz
output_regex_match \
"$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+output active-low drive=open-source bias=pull-up consumer=\"gpioset\""
dut_run gpioset --banner --bias=pull-down --drive=open-drain foo=1 baz=0
- run_tool gpioinfo foo baz
+ run_prog gpioinfo foo baz
output_regex_match \
"$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+output drive=open-drain bias=pull-down consumer=\"gpioset\""
dut_run gpiomon --banner --bias=disabled --utc -p 10ms foo baz
- run_tool gpioinfo foo baz
+ run_prog gpioinfo foo baz
output_regex_match \
"$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+input bias=disabled edges=both event-clock=realtime debounce-period=10ms consumer=\"gpiomon\""
dut_run gpiomon --banner --edges=rising --localtime foo baz
- run_tool gpioinfo foo baz
+ run_prog gpioinfo foo baz
output_regex_match \
"$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+input edges=rising event-clock=realtime consumer=\"gpiomon\""
dut_run gpiomon --banner --edges=falling foo baz
- run_tool gpioinfo foo baz
+ run_prog gpioinfo foo baz
output_regex_match \
"$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+input edges=falling consumer=\"gpiomon\""
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
# by offset
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" 1 1
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" 1 1
output_regex_match "$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+input"
output_regex_match ".*lines '1' and '1' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by name
- run_tool gpioinfo foo foo
+ run_prog gpioinfo foo foo
output_regex_match "$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+input"
output_regex_match ".*lines 'foo' and 'foo' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by name and offset
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" foo 1
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" foo 1
output_regex_match "$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+input"
output_regex_match ".*lines 'foo' and '1' are the same line"
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
local sim1=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]}
- run_tool gpioinfo --strict foobar
+ run_prog gpioinfo --strict foobar
output_regex_match "$sim0 3\\s+\"foobar\"\\s+input"
output_regex_match "$sim1 2\\s+\"foobar\"\\s+input"
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
# first by offset (to show offsets match first)
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" 1 6
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" 1 6
output_regex_match "$sim0 1\\s+\"6\"\\s+input"
output_regex_match "$sim0 6\\s+\"1\"\\s+input"
status_is 0
# then strictly by name
- run_tool gpioinfo --by-name --chip "$sim0" 1
+ run_prog gpioinfo --by-name --chip "$sim0" 1
output_regex_match "$sim0 6\\s+\"1\"\\s+input"
num_lines_is 1
test_gpioinfo_with_nonexistent_chip() {
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip nonexistent-chip
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip nonexistent-chip
output_regex_match \
".*cannot find GPIO chip character device 'nonexistent-chip'"
test_gpioinfo_with_nonexistent_line() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpioinfo nonexistent-line
+ run_prog gpioinfo nonexistent-line
output_regex_match ".*cannot find line 'nonexistent-line'"
status_is 1
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" nonexistent-line
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" nonexistent-line
output_regex_match ".*cannot find line 'nonexistent-line'"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ run_prog gpioinfo --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5
output_regex_match "$sim0 0\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
output_regex_match "$sim0 1\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 1 pull-up
- run_tool gpioget foo
+ run_prog gpioget foo
output_is "\"foo\"=active"
status_is 0
- run_tool gpioget --unquoted foo
+ run_prog gpioget --unquoted foo
output_is "foo=active"
status_is 0
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 1 pull-up
- run_tool gpioget --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1
output_is "\"1\"=active"
status_is 0
- run_tool gpioget --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1
+ run_prog gpioget --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1
output_is "1=active"
status_is 0
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 1 pull-up
- run_tool gpioget --chip "$GPIOSIM_CHIP_LINK" 1
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "$GPIOSIM_CHIP_LINK" 1
output_is "\"1\"=active"
status_is 0
gpiosim_set_pull sim1 3 pull-up
- run_tool gpioget --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]}" foo
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]}" foo
output_is "\"foo\"=active"
status_is 0
- run_tool gpioget --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]}" foo
+ run_prog gpioget --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim1]}" foo
output_is "foo=active"
status_is 0
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 3 pull-up
- run_tool gpioget foobar
+ run_prog gpioget foobar
output_is "\"foobar\"=active"
status_is 0
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 5 pull-up
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 7 pull-up
- run_tool gpioget --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ run_prog gpioget --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
output_is \
"0=inactive 1=inactive 2=active 3=active 4=inactive 5=active 6=inactive 7=active"
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 4 pull-up
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 6 pull-up
- run_tool gpioget --chip "$sim0" 0 foo 4 bar
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "$sim0" 0 foo 4 bar
output_is "\"0\"=inactive \"foo\"=active \"4\"=active \"bar\"=active"
status_is 0
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 1 pull-up
gpiosim_set_pull sim1 4 pull-up
- run_tool gpioget baz bar foo xyz
+ run_prog gpioget baz bar foo xyz
output_is "\"baz\"=inactive \"bar\"=inactive \"foo\"=active \"xyz\"=active"
status_is 0
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioget --numeric --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ run_prog gpioget --numeric --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
output_is "0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1"
status_is 0
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioget --active-low --unquoted --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ run_prog gpioget --active-low --unquoted --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
output_is \
"0=active 1=active 2=inactive 3=inactive 4=active 5=inactive 6=active 7=inactive"
dut_run gpionotify --banner -F "%l %E %C" foo baz
- run_tool gpioget --consumer gpio-tools-tests foo baz
+ run_prog gpioget --consumer gpio-tools-tests foo baz
status_is 0
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioget --bias=pull-up --unquoted --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ run_prog gpioget --bias=pull-up --unquoted --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
output_is \
"0=active 1=active 2=active 3=active 4=active 5=active 6=active 7=active"
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioget --bias=pull-down --unquoted --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ run_prog gpioget --bias=pull-down --unquoted --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
output_is \
"0=inactive 1=inactive 2=inactive 3=inactive 4=inactive 5=inactive 6=inactive 7=inactive"
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
# flip to output
- run_tool gpioset -t0 foo=1
+ run_prog gpioset -t0 foo=1
status_is 0
- run_tool gpioinfo foo
+ run_prog gpioinfo foo
output_regex_match "$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+output"
status_is 0
- run_tool gpioget --as-is foo
+ run_prog gpioget --as-is foo
# note gpio-sim reverts line to its pull when released
output_is "\"foo\"=inactive"
status_is 0
- run_tool gpioinfo foo
+ run_prog gpioinfo foo
output_regex_match "$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+output"
status_is 0
# whereas the default behaviour forces to input
- run_tool gpioget foo
+ run_prog gpioget foo
# note gpio-sim reverts line to its pull when released
# (defaults to pull-down)
output_is "\"foo\"=inactive"
status_is 0
- run_tool gpioinfo foo
+ run_prog gpioinfo foo
output_regex_match "$sim0 1\\s+\"foo\"\\s+input"
status_is 0
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8 line_name=1:foo
# only test parsing - testing the hold-period itself is tricky
- run_tool gpioget --hold-period=100ms foo
+ run_prog gpioget --hold-period=100ms foo
output_is "\"foo\"=inactive"
status_is 0
line_name=4:xyz line_name=7:foobar
gpiosim_chip sim2 num_lines=16
- run_tool gpioget --strict foobar
+ run_prog gpioget --strict foobar
output_regex_match ".*line 'foobar' is not unique"
status_is 1
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 1 pull-up
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 6 pull-down
- run_tool gpioget --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1 6
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1 6
output_is "\"1\"=active \"6\"=inactive"
status_is 0
- run_tool gpioget --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1 6
+ run_prog gpioget --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1 6
output_is "1=active 6=inactive"
status_is 0
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 1 pull-up
gpiosim_set_pull sim0 6 pull-down
- run_tool gpioget --by-name --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1 6
+ run_prog gpioget --by-name --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1 6
output_is "\"1\"=inactive \"6\"=active"
status_is 0
- run_tool gpioget --by-name --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1 6
+ run_prog gpioget --by-name --unquoted --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 1 6
output_is "1=inactive 6=active"
status_is 0
test_gpioget_with_no_arguments() {
- run_tool gpioget
+ run_prog gpioget
output_regex_match ".*at least one GPIO line must be specified"
status_is 1
test_gpioget_with_chip_but_no_line_specified() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpioget --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}"
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}"
output_regex_match ".*at least one GPIO line must be specified"
status_is 1
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=4
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioget --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "$sim0" 0 1 2 3 4 5
output_regex_match ".*offset 4 is out of range on chip '$sim0'"
output_regex_match ".*offset 5 is out of range on chip '$sim0'"
test_gpioget_with_nonexistent_line() {
- run_tool gpioget nonexistent-line
+ run_prog gpioget nonexistent-line
output_regex_match ".*cannot find line 'nonexistent-line'"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
# by offset
- run_tool gpioget --chip "$sim0" 0 0
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "$sim0" 0 0
output_regex_match ".*lines '0' and '0' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by name
- run_tool gpioget foo foo
+ run_prog gpioget foo foo
output_regex_match ".*lines 'foo' and 'foo' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by chip and name
- run_tool gpioget --chip "$sim0" foo foo
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "$sim0" foo foo
output_regex_match ".*lines 'foo' and 'foo' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by name and offset
- run_tool gpioget --chip "$sim0" foo 1
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "$sim0" foo 1
output_regex_match ".*lines 'foo' and '1' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by offset and name
- run_tool gpioget --chip "$sim0" 1 foo
+ run_prog gpioget --chip "$sim0" 1 foo
output_regex_match ".*lines '1' and 'foo' are the same line"
status_is 1
test_gpioget_with_invalid_bias() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpioget --bias=bad --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0 1
+ run_prog gpioget --bias=bad --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0 1
output_regex_match ".*invalid bias.*"
status_is 1
test_gpioget_with_invalid_hold_period() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpioget --hold-period=bad --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0
+ run_prog gpioget --hold-period=bad --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0
output_regex_match ".*invalid period.*"
status_is 1
dut_run gpioset --banner --consumer gpio-tools-tests foo=1 baz=0
- run_tool gpioinfo
+ run_prog gpioinfo
output_regex_match "\\s+line\\s+0:\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
output_regex_match \
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8 line_name=1:foo line_name=4:bar \
- run_tool gpioset --toggle 1ns foo=1 bar=0 baz=0
+ run_prog gpioset --toggle 1ns foo=1 bar=0 baz=0
output_regex_match ".*invalid period.*"
status_is 1
line_name=4:xyz line_name=7:foobar
gpiosim_chip sim2 num_lines=16
- run_tool gpioset --strict foobar=active
+ run_prog gpioset --strict foobar=active
output_regex_match ".*line 'foobar' is not unique"
status_is 1
test_gpioset_with_no_arguments() {
- run_tool gpioset
+ run_prog gpioset
status_is 1
output_regex_match ".*at least one GPIO line value must be specified"
test_gpioset_with_chip_but_no_line_specified() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpioset --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}"
+ run_prog gpioset --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}"
output_regex_match ".*at least one GPIO line value must be specified"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioset --chip "$sim0" 0=1 1=1 2=1 3=1 4=1 5=1
+ run_prog gpioset --chip "$sim0" 0=1 1=1 2=1 3=1 4=1 5=1
output_regex_match ".*offset 4 is out of range on chip '$sim0'"
output_regex_match ".*offset 5 is out of range on chip '$sim0'"
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioset --hold-period=bad --chip "$sim0" 0=1
+ run_prog gpioset --hold-period=bad --chip "$sim0" 0=1
output_regex_match ".*invalid period.*"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
# by name
- run_tool gpioset --chip "$sim0" 0=c
+ run_prog gpioset --chip "$sim0" 0=c
output_regex_match ".*invalid line value.*"
status_is 1
# by value
- run_tool gpioset --chip "$sim0" 0=3
+ run_prog gpioset --chip "$sim0" 0=3
output_regex_match ".*invalid line value.*"
status_is 1
test_gpioset_with_invalid_offset() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpioset --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 4000000000=0
+ run_prog gpioset --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 4000000000=0
output_regex_match ".*cannot find line '4000000000'"
status_is 1
test_gpioset_with_invalid_bias() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpioset --bias=bad --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0=1 1=1
+ run_prog gpioset --bias=bad --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0=1 1=1
output_regex_match ".*invalid bias.*"
status_is 1
test_gpioset_with_invalid_drive() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpioset --drive=bad --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0=1 1=1
+ run_prog gpioset --drive=bad --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}" 0=1 1=1
output_regex_match ".*invalid drive.*"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpioset --interactive --toggle 1s --chip "$sim0" 0=1
+ run_prog gpioset --interactive --toggle 1s --chip "$sim0" 0=1
output_regex_match ".*can't combine interactive with toggle"
status_is 1
test_gpioset_with_nonexistent_line() {
- run_tool gpioset nonexistent-line=0
+ run_prog gpioset nonexistent-line=0
output_regex_match ".*cannot find line 'nonexistent-line'"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
# by offset
- run_tool gpioset --chip "$sim0" 0=1 0=1
+ run_prog gpioset --chip "$sim0" 0=1 0=1
output_regex_match ".*lines '0' and '0' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by name
- run_tool gpioset --chip "$sim0" foo=1 foo=1
+ run_prog gpioset --chip "$sim0" foo=1 foo=1
output_regex_match ".*lines 'foo' and 'foo' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by name and offset
- run_tool gpioset --chip "$sim0" foo=1 1=1
+ run_prog gpioset --chip "$sim0" foo=1 1=1
output_regex_match ".*lines 'foo' and '1' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by offset and name
- run_tool gpioset --chip "$sim0" 1=1 foo=1
+ run_prog gpioset --chip "$sim0" 1=1 foo=1
output_regex_match ".*lines '1' and 'foo' are the same line"
status_is 1
dut_run gpiomon --banner --consumer gpio-tools-tests foo baz
- run_tool gpioinfo
+ run_prog gpioinfo
output_regex_match "\\s+line\\s+0:\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
output_regex_match \
dut_run gpiomon --banner --debounce-period 123us foo baz
- run_tool gpioinfo
+ run_prog gpioinfo
output_regex_match "\\s+line\\s+0:\\s+unnamed\\s+input"
output_regex_match \
test_gpiomon_with_nonexistent_line() {
- run_tool gpiomon nonexistent-line
+ run_prog gpiomon nonexistent-line
status_is 1
output_regex_match ".*cannot find line 'nonexistent-line'"
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
# by offset
- run_tool gpiomon --chip "$sim0" 0 0
+ run_prog gpiomon --chip "$sim0" 0 0
output_regex_match ".*lines '0' and '0' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by name
- run_tool gpiomon foo foo
+ run_prog gpiomon foo foo
output_regex_match ".*lines 'foo' and 'foo' are the same line"
status_is 1
# by name and offset
- run_tool gpiomon --chip "$sim0" 1 foo
+ run_prog gpiomon --chip "$sim0" 1 foo
output_regex_match ".*lines '1' and 'foo' are the same line"
status_is 1
line_name=4:xyz line_name=7:foobar
gpiosim_chip sim2 num_lines=16
- run_tool gpiomon --strict foobar
+ run_prog gpiomon --strict foobar
output_regex_match ".*line 'foobar' is not unique"
status_is 1
test_gpiomon_with_no_arguments() {
- run_tool gpiomon
+ run_prog gpiomon
output_regex_match ".*at least one GPIO line must be specified"
status_is 1
test_gpiomon_with_no_line_specified() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpiomon --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}"
+ run_prog gpiomon --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}"
output_regex_match ".*at least one GPIO line must be specified"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpiomon --chip "$sim0" 5
+ run_prog gpiomon --chip "$sim0" 5
output_regex_match ".*offset 5 is out of range on chip '$sim0'"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpiomon --bias=bad -c "$sim0" 0 1
+ run_prog gpiomon --bias=bad -c "$sim0" 0 1
output_regex_match ".*invalid bias.*"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpiomon --debounce-period bad -c "$sim0" 0 1
+ run_prog gpiomon --debounce-period bad -c "$sim0" 0 1
output_regex_match ".*invalid period: bad"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpiomon --idle-timeout bad -c "$sim0" 0 1
+ run_prog gpiomon --idle-timeout bad -c "$sim0" 0 1
output_regex_match ".*invalid period: bad"
status_is 1
test_gpionotify_with_nonexistent_line() {
- run_tool gpionotify nonexistent-line
+ run_prog gpionotify nonexistent-line
status_is 1
output_regex_match ".*cannot find line 'nonexistent-line'"
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
# by offset
- run_tool gpionotify --chip "$sim0" 0 0
+ run_prog gpionotify --chip "$sim0" 0 0
output_regex_match ".*lines '0' and '0' are the same line"
num_lines_is 1
status_is 1
# by name
- run_tool gpionotify foo foo
+ run_prog gpionotify foo foo
output_regex_match ".*lines 'foo' and 'foo' are the same line"
num_lines_is 1
status_is 1
# by name and offset
- run_tool gpionotify --chip "$sim0" 1 foo
+ run_prog gpionotify --chip "$sim0" 1 foo
output_regex_match ".*lines '1' and 'foo' are the same line"
num_lines_is 1
line_name=4:xyz line_name=7:foobar
gpiosim_chip sim2 num_lines=16
- run_tool gpionotify --strict foobar
+ run_prog gpionotify --strict foobar
output_regex_match ".*line 'foobar' is not unique"
status_is 1
test_gpionotify_with_no_arguments() {
- run_tool gpionotify
+ run_prog gpionotify
output_regex_match ".*at least one GPIO line must be specified"
status_is 1
test_gpionotify_with_no_line_specified() {
gpiosim_chip sim0 num_lines=8
- run_tool gpionotify --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}"
+ run_prog gpionotify --chip "${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}"
output_regex_match ".*at least one GPIO line must be specified"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpionotify --chip "$sim0" 5
+ run_prog gpionotify --chip "$sim0" 5
output_regex_match ".*offset 5 is out of range on chip '$sim0'"
status_is 1
local sim0=${GPIOSIM_CHIP_NAME[sim0]}
- run_tool gpionotify --idle-timeout bad -c "$sim0" 0 1
+ run_prog gpionotify --idle-timeout bad -c "$sim0" 0 1
output_regex_match ".*invalid period: bad"
status_is 1
output_is "%x"
-die() {
- echo "$@" 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Must be done after we sources shunit2 as we need SHUNIT_VERSION to be set.
-oneTimeSetUp() {
- test "$SHUNIT_VERSION" = "$MIN_SHUNIT_VERSION" && return 0
- local FIRST
- FIRST=$(printf "%s\n%s\n" "$SHUNIT_VERSION" "$MIN_SHUNIT_VERSION" | sort -Vr | head -1)
- test "$FIRST" = "$MIN_SHUNIT_VERSION" && \
- die "minimum shunit version required is $MIN_SHUNIT_VERSION (current version is $SHUNIT_VERSION"
-check_kernel() {
- local REQUIRED=$1
- local CURRENT
- CURRENT=$(uname -r)
- SORTED=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$REQUIRED" "$CURRENT" | sort -V | head -n 1)
- if [ "$SORTED" != "$REQUIRED" ]
- then
- die "linux kernel version must be at least: v$REQUIRED - got: v$CURRENT"
- fi
-check_prog() {
- local PROG=$1
- if ! which "$PROG" > /dev/null
- then
- die "$PROG not found - needed to run the tests"
- fi
-# Check all required non-coreutils tools
-check_prog shunit2
-check_prog modprobe
-check_prog timeout
-# Check if we're running a kernel at the required version or later
-check_kernel $MIN_KERNEL_VERSION
-modprobe gpio-sim || die "unable to load the gpio-sim module"
-mountpoint /sys/kernel/config/ > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || \
- die "configfs not mounted at /sys/kernel/config/"
+# shellcheck source=tests/scripts/gpiod-bash-test-helper.inc
+source gpiod-bash-test-helper.inc
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
-. shunit2
+source shunit2